Summer Camp
Welcome to our information center.
Please register early, as weeks do fill up.
The Lansdowne Friends School Summer Camp is guided by Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. Our goal is to create a rich environment where children can play and build lasting relationships.
Our camp provides a space for children to be children. We combine structured activities and games with unstructured time, allowing children to be themselves. We offer swimming 2 times a week in our splash pools. We take a field trip each week. Our older campers (2nd grade and up) play Minecraft once a week. Our camp is open to children age 4 through incoming 6th grade.
Pre-Camp June 17-21 Pre-Camp is full.
Session 1 June 24-28 Creative Campers
Session 2 July 1-12*. Space. is the Place (Week 3 is full)
Session 3 July 15-26 Where the Wild Things Are (Week 4 is full)
Session 4 July 29-August 9 The Olympic Games at LFS
No camp July 4-5
Camp Hours:
8:00-9:00 Pre-camp No charge
9:00-3:30 Camp Hours
3:30-6:00 After Care Campers will enjoy unstructured time both in and outdoors. Camp will provide a snack.
$400 for Pre-Camp (June 17-21)
$420 for weeks 1,3,4,5,6,7
$275 for week 2 (no camp July 4-5)
After Care: 3:30-6:00
$25 per day per family